Saturday, June 27, 2009


Sierra, Judy, trans. 2005. Schoolyard Rhymes: Kids’ Own Rhymes for Rope Skipping, Hand Clapping, Ball Bouncing, and Just Plain Fun. Ill. by Melissa Sweet. New York: Alfred A Knopf. ISBN 0375825169

In this fun book, Judy Sierra has compiled schoolyard rhymes that can be heard across playgrounds of America today and playgrounds of the past. These are all cute, catchy rhymes that can be clapped to, danced to, jumped to, and sung to.

Sierra’s compilation is filled with silly rhymes that will get children involved and interacting with one another. The rhymes are all fun, with some that could be offensive or inappropriate for younger readers. At times there are several rhymes on a page and if you have never heard them, it can be hard to tell where one ends and another begins.

The creative mixed-media illustrations by Melissa Sweet offer readers cartoon depictions of each rhyme and allow them to giggle and laugh along with others while peruse the silly pictures.

SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL review: "The rhythms and nonsense rhymes are irresistible, compelling memorization and participation in the fun."
BOOKLIST: "A great choice for back-to-school displays."

Readers can talk to adults in their lives about rhymes that they used to say when they were children and compare and contrast to the rhymes of today.

Readers can create their own illustrations for the rhymes in the book and their own rhymes that they use on the playground.

Readers can participate and join along reciting the rhymes.

Readers can do group demonstrations of rhymes that are not incorporated into the book

Other Rhyme books:
Cole, Joanna. Miss Mary Mack and Other Children's Street Rhymes. ISBN 0688097499
Dotlitch, Rebecca Kai. Over in the Pink House: New Jump-Rope Rhymes. ISBN 1590780272

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